4 min readApr 19, 2022

My introduction to the Waves ecosystem started not too long ago — 2 years ago on July 15, 2020. I will never be able to forget that day because it was the day that changed my life forever, but I found out about it a little later.

My first USDN purchase with all my student funds 👆🏻

Many people come to the world of cryptocurrency after a lot of disappointments or failures in various financial projects in real life. And I, unfortunately, am no exception.

At that time I did not know such concepts as blockchain, decentralization, smart contracts. Having bought my first 262 $usdn*, I began to understand. Due to difficult events in the family, I had to postpone the learning process indefinitely.
* Later, the invested $usdn went into staking for passive income.

The real acquaintance with the ecosystem occurred at the launch of a large-scale NFT-project, and now a real Metaverse— Waves Ducks, where I am proud to own one of 2052 farms! So, let’s get started!

I have a whole article about my path to Waves Ducks, which you can read here. Today is a little bit about something else.

As I explored and infiltrated a new ducks project in 2021, I began to learn about the Waves ecosystem in particular.

I can’t help but mention the educational side of Waves Ducks rounds. In addition to memes and interesting tasks, the team also took care of educating the “younger generation” of new users. The tasks were aimed at learning about Waves blockchain, existing and new ecosystem products, marketing and strategy.

I really liked this format, because it forced users not just to create, but to understand the intricacies of the ecosystem on which the product was built.

An example of educational round by Waves Ducks

It was through educational rounds that I learned what blockchain is, how it works, what smart contracts are, and why the Waves ecosystem compares favorably to many popular blockchains. This round then brought me the most $EGG tokens, but most importantly, it enriched me with new knowledge and understanding of how the entire ecosystem works in general.

My work for this round

I started listening to Sasha Ivanov’s AMAs, got acquainted with Swop Fi, Neutrino, Lambo Investments products, gradually building up my duck farm’s farming power, which at that time had already started to bring me a substantial passive income.

Part of my Waves Ducks farm now

You know, sometimes it happens that you come to a place and feel you are where you are supposed to be. That’s what happened to me with Waves Ducks and the entire Waves ecosystem. A year ago, I couldn’t have dreamed of being a part of this amazing team.

Among other things, it was absolutely amazing to me the speed at which blockchain was evolving — the speed of the lambo. In addition to Waves Ducks, the year saw the launch of Vires finance (a decentralized lending protocol), the launch of liquidity pools and IDO $WX, the launch of Puzzle Swap (an aggregator that lets you find the best token exchange prices among the entire ecosystem), and the introduction of a new commission system that makes blockchain even more popular and usable.

As for my personal achievements, thanks to the Waves ecosystem, in just one year I have been able to achieve several big dreams without anyone’s help. I was finally able to go on a trip, which brought me a lot of positive emotions. But perhaps my greatest accomplishment is the knowledge I gained during the year.

Every day spent with Waves helps you learn new things. By watching experienced users and their actions, I began to develop my own strategies to increase my income and self-education. Not so long ago I enrolled in English courses, which helps me to successfully administer several English-language Waves chat rooms.

Me on Waves Ducks birthday stream

These days I am part of the Waves Ducks and Puzzle Swap teams, and occasionally help with administration of the main Waves chat room. I love the plethora of opportunities that the Waves ecosystem provides. Everyone can be part of it if they want it badly enough.

After getting acquainted with the Waves ecosystem, I realized that behind it there is not just money, but vast experience, technology, a professional team and, of course, the desire to make the best and most convenient blockchain, suitable for any user.

Thank you, Sasha Ivanov and the whole Waves team. Thanks for reading! 😘

